The world is constantly changing. New discoveries are made on a daily basis that change your understanding of the universe and its intricate functionalities. And it’s as if as soon as you finally get used to new discoveries and find a way to make them a part of your worldview, you’re exposed to a completely different one, which brings you right back to square one.
In order to stay on the payroll, scientists need to constantly search, experiment, and unload the realities of the universe. They overview all data collected in the past and push the limits of reality from the biggest objects in space to the tiniest organisms. It is nearly impossible to add up and talk about all the discoveries made in this past month. So you can imagine just about how much gets done in the world of science every month.
Today, we’re breaking down some amazing discoveries made in June 2022.
A Young Jupiter Ate Other Planets
Jupiter is no doubt an enormous planet; in fact, it is the largest one in the solar system. It is nearly 318 times the mass of our planet Earth. If we compare it, Saturn happens to be 95 times the Earth’s mass even though it is roughly the same diameter as Jupiter. Seeing how incredibly fascinating Jupiter is, there is no surprise that both new and professional astronomers absolutely love this planet. Further research proved Jupiter was a little violent in its early history, it suggests that a part of the reason for the gigantic size of Jupiter is swallowing up smaller planets amid its formation.
Sweetened Coffee Adds Years to Your Life
Having the first sip of coffee in the morning to most people feels like a breath full of life. A recent discovery was made that might prove that this is actually true. One study suggests that a decent amount of coffee consumption with a little sugar is linked to lower death risks. Although having a cup of coffee is no coupon card for immortality, however, it could potentially prevent death from natural causes.
Polar Bears are Adapting to Climate Change
As we know, polar bears live and hunt on ice sheets, and with global warming increasing daily, the ice sheets are melting away. So basically, for the polar bears, the world is shrinking. It is a common fact now that these species are highly endangered and near t extinction. However, recent research has proven that polar bears may be more adaptable than one might imagine because they are most definitely making the most out of their living condition.
So which of these facts shocked you most?
The planets eating planets one was definitely an eye-opener for us!